On Saturday 30th March 2019, PeachyKeen joined millions of people around the globe for Earth Hour. The international event which is organised by conservation charity WWF, urges individuals, communities and businesses to come together and take action to save the planet.
PeachyKeen united with the world to switch off their businesses lighting from 8:30-9:30pm and took the novel approach of utilising Human Powered Energy for the full hour. At their premises on Kirk Wynd in Kirkcaldy the team powered a fantastic laser show! They also projected images of animals at risk of extinction and showed videos distributed from the WWF to raise awareness of why we need to act on climate change. The electricity used to power these activates were generated through PeachyKeen pedal pods. Human Energy is a renewable energy source similar to solar or wind power but utilises human beings to generate the electricity.
It is believed that 90% of people who participate in Earth Hour say it inspires them to do more to protect the planet! Recent environmental figures have also revealed that we could have more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2050. Furthermore one in six species are at risk of extinction because of climate change.
As part of the Earth Hour campaign in 2019, the WWF asked people to make a pledge to “Connect2Earth.” Some of the fantastic pledges made at PeachyKeen during Earth Hour included “planning a stay-cation closer to home this year,” “saving up for an electric van” and “making a conscious effort to avoid single use plastics.” Though the evening had a serious message, the PeachyKeen event proved to be good fun for everyone who got involved.
Click here if you would like to learn more about PeachyKeen Illuminations!
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