Interactive exhibits are a fantastic way to engage an audience of all ages. PeachyKeen create bespoke interactive exhibits that enable users to generate their own renewable energy! The electricity produced can power a variety of applications including lighting, sounds, TV screens and more!
In Spring of 2019, PeachyKeen installed a brand new interactive exhibit with a Hand Crank into Beecraigs Country Park. As the Crank is turned, human generated electricity is created! Tailored to suit Beecraigs specific requirements, users begin to turn the hand crank, triggering lighting on the table to take visitors on a journey around the country park. As well as demonstrating different pathways through the estate, the table lighting also indicates how much electricity is currently stored in one of our A1-Beer Boxes (this is hidden in the centre of the table). The excess energy that has been generated powers a monitor above the table that highlights all of Beecraigs current sustainability projects.
PeachyKeen create bespoke interactive exhibits to suit a wide variety of environments. Our sustainable electricity production removes the need for mains power. From Country Parks to Museums, Shopping Malls and beyond! Get in touch to talk about your own ideas, powered by PeachyKeen.
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